Friday, December 4, 2009

New Recruit

SO I've sucked another person into the vortex that is the world of knitting. She's hooked. Really. As in, I taught her the basics and her first project was a cowl. Knit in the round, that is. No fooling around with scarves, no awkward stitches, and best of all, no irrational fear of trying new things.

Her second project was a sock. She hasn't finished it, (she got bored) but she's done the toughest parts - the heel is turned, gusset decreases finished, well on the way to the toes. It's just boring.

Did I mention she was fast? She churned out a couple of hats after that and got started on a lace ribbon scarf which she has finished, by the way! And even as we speak, she is sitting next to me with a further couple of cabled hats under her belt, working on a scarf knit almost entirely with a spin-off of a short row technique.

She's been knitting for about 9 weeks. I've created a monster. A really awesome monster who knits.

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