Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A moment of silence . . .

. . . For I have lost a knitted item. My trilobite hat, which I have loved and cherished for all of six months, is gone. I have looked, cleaned my room, searched high and low and appealed to the mercy of the hat gods for two days and despite all my efforts, the hat is still gone. Apparently, I am not meant to have a third hat. Every time I have one, it gets lost (though the first one wasn't my fault. My mother borrowed it, and then she lost it, not me).

I suppose it's possible that the problem is not that it's a third hat - perhaps the problem is that it's a green hat, since the other lost hat is green as well. It will probably require a certain amount of further study to determine the exact nature of my hat curse, and I suppose in the meantime I should just turn my energies to mourning . . .

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